The Unforgivable Sin
Many Christians are burdened by the thought that they may have committed an unforgivable sin or live in fear that someday they will. In this message, Pastor DaVon addresses issues such as suicide, denying Christ, the unpardonable sin, and blasphemy. God’s Word has solutions to wrong theology and bad teaching. You definitely want to consume this message.
Seeking Jesus
We live in a world with so much confusion and sometimes it feels unbearable. There has to be a way to find freedom, healing, and solutions to life's difficulties. In this message by Jeannie Burgess, you will discover how to seek Jesus and experience an encounter with Him that can change your life forever.
Mercy Minded
There is a distinct difference between grace and mercy. Grace is getting what you do not deserve. On the other hand, mercy is not getting what you deserve. Mercy is kind and compassionate treatment towards the most undeserving people. In this message, Pastor DaVon Alexander shares how you don’t get the judgment of God but the blessings of God when you humble yourself and receive the mercy of God.
Triumph Over Trouble
What are you excited about? What are you looking forward to? Count it all joy! The joy of the Lord is your strength. In this message, Pastor DaVon Alexander reveals how joy gives you the adrenaline to overcome trouble and produce victory in every area of your life.
Receive The End Of Your Faith
What are you believing God for? What’s taking so long for your faith to manifest? In this message by Pastor DaVon Alexander, you will learn how to press forward and persevere until you receive the end of your faith.
The Purpose of Trials
Trials do not come to make you strong. Tests and trials come to distract and destroy you. However, how you view and respond in difficult seasons to tests and trials can cause you to gain wisdom, experience, and strength. In this message, Pastor DaVon Alexander reveals the purpose of trials and how to react when they come.
You Can Get Through It
In this life, tests and trials are normal. You are either coming out of a test, in the middle of a test or headed into a test. Nevertheless, I have some good news for you. In this message, Pastor DaVon Alexander teaches how God will help you overcome all trials and pass tests. You will be inspired to know that you can get through this.
The Language Of Favor
You shall decree a thing and it shall be established (Job 22:28). What would happen if you started to decree God's favor over your life? In this message, Pastor DaVon Alexander shares how to speak the language of favor that will cause you to experience true life!
Influence and Impact
God’s favor in your life is not an accessory; it is a necessity. God’s favor will give you preferential treatment that will cause policies and rules to be changed on your behalf. In this message, Jeannie Burgess teaches about Esther and how God's favor in her life saved a nation from annihilation. What can God's favor in your life do for others?
Favor Ain’t Fair
Favor is similar to grace, but there is a difference! The best way to explain the difference is to recognize that grace is always a free, unearned and undeserved gift. On the other hand, favor can be deserved or gained. In this message, Pastor DaVon shares the difference between grace and favor and how favor ain’t fair!
Favor With God And Men
Why was it so important that Jesus increased in favor with God and with men (Luke 2:52)? The Old Testament prophet Samuel also increased in favor with God and with men (1 Samuel 2:26). Was it so that they both could get free stuff and good parking places? In this message by Pastor DaVon, you will discover that favor is not an accessory; favor is a necessity.
The Year of Divine Favor
Throughout 2023, you will be the visible display of the infinite riches of His favor and kindness. Watch this message by Pastor DaVon regarding this year of divine favor!
Love Divine
You are more sinful and flawed in yourself than you ever dared believe, yet at the very same time you are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than you ever dared hope. In this message, Pastor DaVon shares how God loves you as you are and not as you should be.
Help Me Find My Hope
What are you excited about? What are you looking forward to? What are you working on? What is your vision? What do you see? In this message, Pastor DaVon helps you find and discover your hope again.
True Peace
Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence, power, and promise of Jesus! In John 14:27, Jesus left you with His best gift—a gift more valuable than a house or a car. Jesus gave you His personal peace. In this message, Pastor DaVon shares how the peace of Jesus will give you undisturbed composure.
Overcome Holiday Exhaustion
Holiday exhaustion is a real issue that many people struggle with. In this message, Pastor DaVon Alexander shares how to overcome holiday exhaustion this season so that you can experience true life during this joyous time of the year.
A Voice of Victory
We are often tempted to complain about what is going wrong in our lives. However, in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Paul explains that God wants us to rejoice, pray, and give thanks in every situation. In this message, Pastor DaVon shares how to rejoice, pray, and give thanks IN everything, even if we aren't thankful FOR everything.
An Unpredictable Miracle
God is going to do an unpredictable miracle for you! In this message, Pastor DaVon’s inspiration comes from an encounter Peter and John had with a lame man found in Acts 3.
Stay With Me
God's very first commandment to humanity is, "be fruitful." Fruitfulness is our goal in life. Abiding in the Vine will produce much fruit. However, we must completely depend upon and constantly be connected with the Vine. In this message, Pastor DaVon teaches how to stay with Jesus.
Who Are You With?
To whom and what are you listening? Where you are in life is largely the result of who or what you listen to the most. In this message, Pastor DaVon helps you understand that you can identify who you are with by the way you talk.