
What’s Taking So Long?
What happens when you get tired of waiting? What’s taking so long? Why are things not working out for me? In this message, Pastor DaVon answers these questions and more.

Why Are YOU Afraid?
What a scary event! Jesus and His disciples are in a boat and a great hurricane arose. Jesus is asleep but His disciples are afraid. In this message, find out why Jesus rebuked His disciples by asking them this question, "Why are you afraid?"

Committed Or Just Interested?
Many people are looking for success however not many are willing to do what it takes to receive it. In today’s message, Pastor Nate talks about the missing element in our lives that is keeping us from receiving the full measure of God’s promises.
Mountain Moving Faith
The mountain can be any insurmountable problem. Jesus has given you the power to move mountains. Are you fully persuaded that God will (not can) do this through you?

What’s Next?
Sometimes, my job as a pastor is not necessarily to keep people from dying but to get people ready to die. Pastor DaVon tells you what happens after you die.

Position Yourself To Receive
Many people are asking God for things and are wondering why they haven’t received it yet. The reason is they have not done the necessary things to be in position to receive what they are asking for. In this message, Pastor Nate talks about how to position yourself to receive those things you have been asking God for.

Resurrection Proof
Christianity completely depends on the real physical resurrection of the dead body of Jesus the Christ; otherwise, it is all a lie.
A Look At The Cross
I am determined to be consumed with one topic—Jesus, the crucified Messiah.
The Ten Lepers
Learn the power of thanksgiving because there's always more for the thankful!
Overcoming Lack
When you’re continually short and constantly tight, something is not right!

Restraining Order
In this message, Pastor DaVon talks about a side of God you may never have heard about before. Prepare to have your mindset changed, your breath taken away, and your beliefs challenged as he reveals God's plan for authority in the earth.

Soul Detox: Sadness
While we often think of sadness as a negative emotion, it actually serves a valuable purpose in our lives.