Get Out
Often, we become so familiar in our comfort zones that God has to tell us to “get out.” In Genesis 12:1, God tells Abram to get out of his country and away from his family. It takes faith for Abram to follow God's direction and do this. You and I also need faith to obey when God tells us to "get out." In this message, Pastor DaVon teaches you how to respond to God's leadership in faithful obedience by stepping out of your comfort zone.

This Time Tomorrow
Many Americans are concerned about the continually rising prices associated with inflation. It may seem like things are spiraling out of control. In such situations, people typically get scared and do things they normally would not. In this message, Pastor DaVon shares how God's word can change your perspective in difficult seasons and help shift your focus from worrying about your own problems to helping others solve theirs.

Lights Of The World
God has divinely appointed us to be citizens of earthly governments during our lives. With this appointment comes an obligation to use our authority as citizens to help our country’s government accomplish God’s purposes. In this message, Matt Garris explains how we fulfill our responsibilities as Christian citizens of non-Christian governments.

I Will Build My Church
Jesus said, “I will build My church.” The local church is the hope of the world. Jesus designed the church for a purpose. In this message, Pastor DaVon explains your role in helping the body of Christ transform the world.

Why You Need A Pastor
Jesus loves us so much that He was concerned for us. He was concerned that once He, the Good Shepherd, returned to His Father, we would be scattered like sheep without a shepherd. Because of this concern, and because He is a generous giver, Jesus gave His church the gift of pastors. That's right, your pastor is Jesus' gift to you. In this message, Pastor DaVon helps you understand the value of this gift and why you need a pastor.

The Fire
The Bible says Jesus baptizes His followers with the Holy Spirit and with fire. This baptism differs from salvation and water baptism, and once you have been baptized with fire, the Holy Spirit is with you, in you, and upon you. In this message, Pastor DaVon shares how baptism with the Holy Spirit causes you run your race with passion.

The Guide
Do you want God to lead, guide, and direct you through life? Most Christians do, but they don't fully understand how this happens. They read the Bible, but can't find the verse that tells them which job to take or which house to buy. They look for a sign, but get so caught up looking for the spectacular that they miss the supernatural. So how does God guide us? In this message, Pastor DaVon teaches how the Guide leads us through most situations in our daily lives.

The Helper
Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Helper on four occasions in Scripture. As a believer, you have the Helper living within you, leading and guiding you as you go throughout life. In this message, Pastor DaVon discusses your role in accepting the Holy Spirit's assistance.
The Comforter
Could anything be better than walking with Jesus in the flesh? Jesus said it was to our advantage for Him to return to Heaven and send us the Comforter. In this message, Pastor DaVon explains how the Holy Spirit benefits you as He comes alongside you to help, comfort, and encourage you.

God Has A Plan
Predestination is one of the most misunderstood topics in Scripture. However, God wants you to understand predestination because it concerns His plan for your life. God's plans and purposes for His people have always been good, are always good, and will always be good. In this message, Pastor DaVon clears up some common misconceptions as he talks about predestination and how God’s plan unfolds in your life.

The Finish Line
What is the race God has called you to run? What does the finish line look like in your race? In life, God has given each of us a unique race to run. Just as in a natural race, crossing the finish line in this race is a great accomplishment. We all want to hear God tell us "well done." In this message, Pastor DaVon inspires you to finish your race with joy.
You Can Prophesy
Christians use a lot of "Bible words" and "church words," but we often don't really understand them. In this message, Pastor DaVon explains why Jesus gave us prophets, how believers should respond to them, and the responsibilities we have where prophecy is concerned.

What Is Grace?
Christians use a lot of "Bible words" and "church words," but we often don't really understand them. In this series, "Church Word," Pastor DaVon explains what some of these words mean and why they matter in everyday life. In this message, he explains God's grace and the responsibility that comes with it.
Don’t Get Stuck In Transition
Change is one of the few certainties in life. We will all encounter changes, many of which will happen suddenly. Success during seasons of change demands flexibility. How do you adapt in a constantly changing world? In this message, Pastor DaVon teaches how to be flexible and adaptable to change.

The Thank Offering
In Luke 17:11-19, we find that ten lepers are looking to be healed by Jesus. Jesus gives them instructions and these directions caused them to be healed. But only one came back to give thanks. In this message, Pastor DaVon shares how there is more for the thankful.

Unconditional Love
Did you know that Jesus gave us a new commandment? He said we are to love one another as He has loved us. Loving others was an old commandment; the new part involved HOW we love them. In this message, Pastor DaVon explains how God loves us and how we should love others.

The Spirit of Boldness
God has not given you a spirit of fear, but He has given you a spirit of power. This spirit of power will lead you to act with boldness. You need to operate in this boldness to step out of the captivity of fear and go forward into God's preferred future for your life. In this message, Pastor DaVon describes how to tap into the boldness God has placed within you and live a daring, confident, and courageous life.