Overcome Holiday Stress
Holiday stress is a real issue that many people struggle with. In this message, Pastor DaVon Alexander shares how to overcome holiday stress this season so that you can experience true life during this joyous time of the year.
Identify Humility
We try to overcome our insecurities with baseless pride but true humility is recognizing that you can do nothing without the help of the Lord. When you are in pride, God resists you but when you are humble, God will exalt you. In this encouraging message, Pastor DaVon teaches you how to walk in the power of humility.
Identify Confidence
Biblical pride is complete reliance upon what you say about you. Biblical confidence is complete reliance upon what God says about you. In this message, Pastor DaVon reveals the key to understanding where confidence ends and pride begins.
Identify Pride
Pride is difficult to self diagnose... unless you have help. In this message, Pastor DaVon identifies the areas of pride that you have in your life. And if you don't think you have any areas of pride in your life, well...
Identity And Purpose
There’s a problem that God has called you to solve. Your were born with a purpose. There is a reason for your existence. God knew you and chose you to be a solution. You have specific gifts, talents, and ambitions that need to be discovered. Discovery of your purpose is called vision. In this message, Pastor DaVon helps you discover your identity and purpose for life.
Appreciate Your Pastor
In this dynamic message, guest speaker Pastor Fred Jones gives us 5 biblical reasons to appreciate your pastor. This message is for everyone who loves their pastor.
People Problems
The Apostle Paul was becoming one of the most influential men of his day when he was given a thorn in the flesh. This obstacle was a hindrance to advancing the gospel. Like Paul, you may be dealing with a hindrance. More than likely, the opposition you are facing is an indicator that you are on the right track. In this message, Pastor DaVon helps you overcome your thorn in the flesh.
It Came To Pass
"It came to pass" is a common phrase that appears 727 times throughout the Bible. When you hear or read "it came to pass," it means that something happened. Often, it was something people had desired, hoped for, prayed for, and expected long before "it came to pass." In this message, Pastor DaVon wants to increase your capacity to believe you have received something you cannot see yet. By increasing your faith in this area, "it came to pass" will become your way of life.
Healing Confessions
Hello, my name is Pastor DaVon Alexander. I strongly believe that we have scriptural evidence that it is God’s will for you to be healed today. As I declare the incorruptible, indestructible and always producing words of God over you, I want you to listen, believe these words and personally receive them as life to your body and health to all of your flesh.
Endless Love
If you’re honest with yourself, I bet you struggle and contend with insecurity, inferiority, self-rejection, or even self-hatred. But I have some good news for you. God created you on purpose and for a purpose. There is a reason for your existence. You are not alive by accident. I don’t care how you arrived. God has a plan for your life and He loves you more than you can ever imagine. I want to remind you of who you are!
Overcome Anxiety
Fear is our greatest enemy. Along with fear comes tormenting thoughts and overwhelming harassment. But you have the power over fear. Fear is cast out by the love of God, the Word of God, the power of God and by a sound mind. Allow Pastor DaVon to declare the Word of God over you that will cause you to be victorious over the spirit of fear.
Visible Display
You are more sinful and flawed in yourself than you ever dared believe, yet at the very same time you are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than you ever dared hope. According to Ephesians 2:7, God wants to make you a visible display of the infinite riches of His grace and kindness.
Awaken Your Hope
What are you excited about? What are you looking forward to? Your low expectations will often rob you of the life that God intends for you to live. God wants you to get your hopes up. In this message, Pastor DaVon wants to awaken the hope that you have laid to rest and buried because you thought your dreams would never come to pass.
Worry Free
Worry preoccupies your mind with the troubles of tomorrow and brings them into today. But what are you supposed to do with all the concerns you have? In this message, Pastor DaVon explains how to live a worry free life.
The Purpose Of Prayer
People say, “God has everything under control. He’s running everything.” Well if He is, He sure has things in a mess. But I have good news for you. Action taken by God in the earth requires the involvement of human beings. After listening to this message by Pastor DaVon, you will no longer feel powerless and ineffective.
The Pursuit of Patience
Most believers feel full of joy until they encounter a trial. However, patience only comes through the testing of your faith. In this message, Pastor DaVon reveals how to develop patience in your life.
Blind Pursuit
In Matthew 9:27-31, two blind men desire to be healed as they call on Jesus and follow Him. But Jesus doesn’t heal them right away. Matter of fact, He keeps walking away from them. In this message, Pastor DaVon Alexander relates this event to our lives today and answers this question, “Why didn’t Jesus heal them right away?”
Total Provision
In 2 Kings 4:1-7, a woman’s husband unexpectedly died. She instantly became a single mother with an enormous amount of debt. God miraculously removed the debt by using what she already had access to in her house. In this message from Pastor DaVon, you will learn how to experience debt freedom.
In Luke 13:10-17, a woman went to church one sabbath day. Just like you, she came with issues. Jesus noticed her, identified her root issue, and set her free. She left there much better than she came. What do you need to be loosed from today? In this message from Pastor DaVon, you will be set free from whatever you are going through.
The Faith Fight
You fit into one of these three categories: You have just come out of a battle, you are in the midst of a battle, or you are headed into a battle. God's call upon your life is to be a fighter. And a good fight is a fight that you win! Learn how to fight with faith in this message by Pastor DaVon Alexander