Awake To Righteousness
In this message, Pastor DaVon explains how Jesus’s sacrifice makes believers right with God, based on 2 Corinthians 5:21. He talks about how the Holy Spirit helps transform people from sinners to saints and gives practical advice on how to experience true life by understanding our righteousness in Christ.
You Are Righteous
In this message, Pastor DaVon explains how the Holy Spirit will remind you that you are righteous because of Jesus. Focusing too much on your mistakes can make you feel defeated, but knowing that you’re in good standing with God will help you live a victorious life.
Divine Direction
Can you trace the decisions in your life back to an instruction from God? In this message, Pastor DaVon explains how the Holy Spirit guides and teaches you, highlighting the importance of listening to God's instructions to experience true life.
The Inner Light
In this message, Pastor DaVon talks about John 10:27 and how important it is to recognize the Good Shepherd's voice through all the noise in life. By listening to the Holy Spirit, you'll learn to recognize God's voice above everything else, helping you grow spiritually and make better daily decisions.
Hear My Voice
In this message, Pastor DaVon highlights why it's important to recognize God's voice and follow His will by listening to the Holy Spirit. You'll receive practical tips to help you avoid distractions so that you can live in sync with God.
More Like Jesus
If you're honest with yourself, you probably don't know the purpose of your life. Many people feel the same way. In this message, Pastor DaVon shares that God's purpose for your life is to look like Jesus. You will discover 10 qualities that Jesus possessed and that you can possess too.
Everyday Power
Sometimes, it feels like the world demands so much from you, right? Balancing family, career, parenting, financial decisions, school, friends, and dreams can be overwhelming. But here's a secret weapon: everyday power is available through the Holy Spirit. Pastor DaVon unpacks what this power means for you in daily life.
What Happened On The Day of Pentecost?
The Day of Pentecost is a key moment in Christian faith, highlighting the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the Church's mission. Join Pastor DaVon as he breaks down what this means for us today as followers of Christ.
You Are Anointed
In this message, Pastor DaVon talks about a verse from the Bible by the apostle Paul that says we can do anything through Christ who gives us strength. We discuss ditching the "I can't" attitude and embracing the "I can" reality with the help of the anointing. We also discuss what that means and encourage you to tap into the anointing for God's glory. The anointing is about spreading solutions and blessings to others, leading to experiencing true life.
The Parable of the Sower
In most cases, the preacher is critiqued by the audience. However, in this parable, Jesus critiques His audience instead. The focus isn't on how well He preaches, but on how well they listen. In Pastor DaVon's message, you'll discover the three tactics the enemy uses to hinder the Word from bearing fruit and preventing you from experiencing true life.
Before You Act
In this message, Pastor DaVon recounts how Joshua fell victim to a scam found in Joshua 9. Despite being a man of God, Joshua was deceived by thieves who took advantage of his trust. However, Pastor DaVon highlights a crucial action that Joshua failed to take, which could have prevented the scam. Join us to discover this vital lesson from Joshua's experience.
God’s Promise of Double Restoration
Have you been stolen from or scammed? In this message, Pastor DaVon talks about how Jesus wants you to live your best life, but there are sneaky people out there, motivated by the devil, trying to mess with your money. Pastor gives tips on being smart with your cash, spot scams, and deal with the aftermath if you get ripped off. But the cool part is, that God promises to make things right and even give you back double for what you lost.
It’s Payback Time
Have you ever been stolen from, scammed, or cheated? In this message, Pastor DaVon explains how God assures a return on everything you give and promises restoration for everything taken from you. You're guaranteed to win. Trust that God can reverse the situation and bring restoration! It's time for payback!
The Key To Success
In this message, Jeannie Burgess shares how being consistent is super important, especially when it comes to being successful. Being consistent in your relationship with God is a big part of it. Whether it's in your spiritual life, keeping fit, managing money, or building relationships, staying consistent is key. Jeannie shares her own experiences and how sticking with God through thick and thin has helped her overcome tough times and come out on top.
From Sinner To Saint
In this message, Pastor DaVon shares the story of Zacchaeus found in Luke 19. Zacchaeus was a rich tax collector who wanted to see Jesus, but people made fun of him because he was short. Still, he climbed a tree to catch a glimpse of Jesus, showing his faith. Jesus noticed him and even went to his house for a visit. Zacchaeus was so touched by Jesus' kindness that he changed his ways and started giving to others. It's a reminder that even when we think we're looking for Jesus, He's actually looking for us, just like He did with Zacchaeus.
Living In The Overflow
In this message, Pastor DaVon talks about how God wants to take you from always needing stuff to a place where you don’t have to worry about what you need. He wants you to stop thinking like there’s never enough and start believing there’s more than plenty. By the end, you’ll see that with God, you’ve got more than you could ever need, and you’ll never run out!
Embracing Abundance
Join Pastor DaVon in this message as we explore the biblical teachings on abundance and generosity. We discuss how Jesus came to give us life abundantly and how the enemy seeks to steal this abundant life. We emphasize the importance of trusting in God over money, using resources for good, and finding joy in sharing with others. Tune in to discover how giving freely can cause you to experience true life.
Expose The Devil
In this message, Pastor DaVon delves into John 10:10, comparing the abundant life offered by Jesus to the destructive intentions of the thief. Pastor also shares how the devil operates like a prowling lion and provides strategies to resist his tactics, ultimately causing the devil to flee.
Life More Abundantly
Pastor DaVon examines the differing purposes of Jesus and the thief, as outlined in John 10:10. While one gives life, the other seeks to take it away. Pastor exposes the tactics of the thief, sheds light on his primary weapon, and provides insights on resisting it in this message.
Speak In The Spirit
In this sermon, Pastor DaVon discusses the significance of prophecy and the spiritual weaponry found in praying in tongues. Praying in tongues establishes a direct connection with God. You will encouraged to embrace this spiritual practice.